Emitted in similar organs terpenes are sweet-smelling oils that shading herbs assortments with particular flavors like citrus, berry, mint, and pine.
More than 100 distinct terpenes have been distinguished in the herbs plant, and each herb inclines toward an exceptional terpene type and creation.
Terpenes may likewise assume a key function in separating the impacts of different herbs and with different styles of herbs smoking.
What Is Mango Kush?
Real Leaf terpene spray : Mango Kush has a mango flavor.
With an indisputable Mango flavor. It has a humulene terpene.
Humulene gives out a woodsy, fragile, and coarse scent.
Pinene is furthermore one of the terpenes you find in mango kush.
Mango Kush has a sweet tropical flavor and smells like mango.
This Real Leaf terpene also has hints of banana in its flavor profile.
The tinge of earthy flavors has a sly undertone during herbs smoking mixed with terpene.
The Real Leaf Terpene leaves you in a relaxed and giggly state while herbs smoking.
How do you use Real Leaf Terpenes?
There are two different ways to spray the Realleaf Terpene in your herbs blend or natural mix.
One is by mixing the genuine terpene with your smoking herbs blend and crush it with the Mango Kush terpene spray.
The other one is you roll your herbal cigarette and spray it over it.
We recommend you keep the shower 3-5 cms from the herbal cigarette which will keep your cigarette dry and won’t spoil your herbs smoking roll.
The two are similarly successful. You can also use a smoking pipe along with this Mango Kush terpene spray.
Ingredients: Mango kush Terpenes Food graded alcohol
WARNING: Smoking is bad for your health
All our terpenes products are THC & CBD free.